PLU Spring Break 2017 - Brazil
Global Business Perspectives (BMBA 509)

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Brazil is one of the fastest growing economies in the world.  Its economy is the second largest in the western hemisphere.  The Brazilian economy is characterized by moderately free markets and an increasingly global oriented economy.  According to the World Economics Forum, Brazil was the top country in upward evolution of competitiveness in 2009, closing the competitiveness gap with India and China among the BRIC economies.  In addition, 24 Brazilian companies were listed in the Forbes Global 2000 list in 2015.  The 10-day MBA international experience will study Brazil's economy and business culture and operations.

Please click here to download the program flyer.

Dates: Apr 24, 2017 - Apr 2, 2017
View Website : PLU Spring Break 2017 - Brazil
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Car Train Bus Plane
# ID Date Miles mT CO2 Miles mT CO2 Miles mT CO2 Miles mT CO2
Total CO2
1 1119 2017-04-04 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 223,385 95.66 95.66 Entered by ML
Total 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 223,385 95.66 95.66

Team Totals

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